Music Video "No One Survives", by Nekrogoblikon

Started by Thorin, September 12, 2012, 09:14:46 PM

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Okay, it's metal, and it's a video starring a goblin and all the crap he has to put up with while just trying to get the girl of his dreams.  And...  it's a little weird.  So enjoy!
Prayin' for a 20!

gcc thorin.c -pedantic -o Thorin
compile successful

Mr. Analog

By Grabthar's Hammer


They've got another video based on Labyrinth (I think?  It's got David Bowie at the beginning and I never watched Labyrinth all the way through so I don't recognize the other scenes), and one all about bears (Colbert will hate that song).
Prayin' for a 20!

gcc thorin.c -pedantic -o Thorin
compile successful

Mr. Analog

I'm not even gonna ask how you found these guys heh
By Grabthar's Hammer


I read a comic called Goblins:  It suffered some hacking that made the server distribute malware, and the author turned to Twitter to give updates on what was going on.  This made me check his twitter feeds a few times to see if it would be back, where he posted the link telling people to stop emailing it to him (obviously, they saw the synergy between a Goblins comic and a Goblins metal band).
Prayin' for a 20!

gcc thorin.c -pedantic -o Thorin
compile successful


Quote from: Thorin on September 12, 2012, 10:26:10 PM
They've got another video based on Labyrinth (I think?  It's got David Bowie at the beginning and I never watched Labyrinth all the way through so I don't recognize the other scenes), and one all about bears (Colbert will hate that song).

There arn't that many scenes but yes they are all from Labryinth..