Interesting Forum Statistics - RW

Started by Melbosa, February 13, 2013, 02:35:28 PM

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So I was looking at our statistics today (using the Forum's stats) and found this very interesting.  If you look at these three categories, Most Time Online, Top Topic Starters and Top 10 Posters, you notice that the same 6 people appear in the top 6.  But the more interesting is what it shows after that, as the same 6 are not in the same spot in the top 6 in each category:

Most Time Online
Tom 109d 6h 5m
Mr. Analog 89d 9h 27m
Lazybones 68d 21h 16m
Melbosa 42d 23h 28m
Thorin 42d 20h 37m
Darren Dirt 28d 1h 14m

Top Topic Starters
Darren Dirt 1652
Mr. Analog 1562
Lazybones 1168
Melbosa 1154
Thorin 763
Tom 251

Top 10 Posters
Mr. Analog 17812
Darren Dirt 9493
Lazybones 8228
Melbosa 7792
Thorin 7521
Tom 5272

Mr. Analog and Lazybones numbers are somewhat understandable.  Mine and Thorin's are a little more diverse (knowing that I have been her from the beginning and Thorin is the latest addition of the bunch).

What is surprising is Tom and DD... By the looks of it Tom trolls but rarely posts.  Where as it looks like DD brain dumps posts as fast as his hands can type and clicks as fast as he can to edit and then is off the forum just as quickly as he was on.  Of course I'm exagerating, but if by looking at the numbers themselves it does look that way
Or Tom types really really really slow and DD does some serious typing of words per minute.

Anyway I thought I would point that out to you guys, as I found it interesting!
Sometimes I Think Before I Type... Sometimes!


Mr. Analog has more posts than the next two guys combined.  Kind of like Gretzky's NHL points...
Prayin' for a 20!

gcc thorin.c -pedantic -o Thorin
compile successful


Quote from: Melbosa on February 13, 2013, 02:35:28 PM
What is surprising is Tom and DD... By the looks of it Tom trolls but rarely posts.  Where as it looks like DD brain dumps posts as fast as his hands can type and clicks as fast as he can to edit and then is off the forum just as quickly as he was on.  Of course I'm exagerating, but if by looking at the numbers themselves it does look that way
Or Tom types really really really slow and DD does some serious typing of words per minute.

I think you mean Lurks ;)

I just leave the tab open, on more than one computer. And I refresh the unread posts page way too often, especially on the weekends when its a virtual ghost town here.

Add in how long everyone has been posting for. From first post, to now. Or even starting when they started posting regularly, to maybe get a better idea of when they really started posting.
<Zapata Prime> I smell Stanley... And he smells good!!!

Mr. Analog

By Grabthar's Hammer

Darren Dirt

Quote from: Melbosa on February 13, 2013, 02:35:28 PM
So I was looking at our statistics today (using the Forum's stats) and found this very interesting.  If you look at these three categories, Most Time Online, Top Topic Starters and Top 10 Posters, you notice that the same 6 people appear in the top 6.  But the more interesting is what it shows after that, as the same 6 are not in the same spot in the top 6 in each category:

Most Time Online
Tom 109d 6h 5m
Mr. Analog 89d 9h 27m
Lazybones 68d 21h 16m
Melbosa 42d 23h 28m
Thorin 42d 20h 37m
Darren Dirt 28d 1h 14m

Quote from: Melbosa on February 13, 2013, 02:35:28 PM
Top Topic Starters
Darren Dirt 1652
Mr. Analog 1562
Lazybones 1168
Melbosa 1154
Thorin 763
Tom 251

*I guess I'm in the habit of CLOSING my web browsers after I dive into the RW forum, post a bunch of useless crap, then dive out. Thus, session is not maintained (my best guess to the reason)


Strive for progress. Not perfection.