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Where are Wii

Started by Lazybones, November 20, 2006, 08:45:17 AM

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How did you come by that information?


Rogers is supposed to get 6 of them today.  Ive got connections there so I should be in business.


Quote from: Shayne on December 14, 2006, 08:54:32 AM
How did you come by that information?

It's in the TRU flyer that we received a day early :P  Zellers apparently also stocks the Wii now.  Sorta weird, I'd never think to go to Zellers for a game console...
Prayin' for a 20!

gcc thorin.c -pedantic -o Thorin
compile successful


For got about Zellers, I checked them on launch day.. There is one in Abotsfield and Northtown/Gate ? They got rather pathetic allotments from what I remember.


Quote from: Lazybones on December 14, 2006, 02:48:57 PM
For got about Zellers, I checked them on launch day.. There is one in Abotsfield and Northtown/Gate ? They got rather pathetic allotments from what I remember.
Also one in Kingsway, WEM, and on Calgary Trail.


Best Buy is getting their Wii shipment tomorrow.  This from the mouth of an employee.  And apparently they are getting a shipment of PS3's next friday.
i aM A NoBoDy, NoBoDy iS PeRfEcT, tHeReFoRe, I'M PeRfEcT!


My rogers connection didnt pan out today (no wii in the shipment) which isnt abonormal with games as they come all the time.  Right now I'm thinking I'll be at TRU for 5-6am on Saturday.  (is it 20 per store?)


Quote from: Shayne on December 14, 2006, 04:03:50 PM
My rogers connection didnt pan out today (no wii in the shipment) which isnt abonormal with games as they come all the time.  Right now I'm thinking I'll be at TRU for 5-6am on Saturday.  (is it 20 per store?)

According to the flyer, yup it's 20 per store.
i aM A NoBoDy, NoBoDy iS PeRfEcT, tHeReFoRe, I'M PeRfEcT!


Well, I guess thats good news, I'm hoping that 6am is early enough for my arrival, I'm not looking forward to the -10 weather I will have to suffer through for 3 hours though :P  Bundle up warm I guess (as I doubt my other half will be interested in joining me as she works on Saturday).


I've done some Googling and it seems that if I got to TRU for 7:30-8:00 (1.5-2.0 hours early) I should be in the top 10 people there.  I think I could deal with 2 hours a lot easier then 3 or 4 of them as can my woman who would be more interested in keeping me company at that time.


Looks like Best Buys are getting ~20 each for tomorrow morning.  I unfortunately don't have a way out to them (woman has the car tomorrow morning).  Grr.  TRU on Saturday is the hope and dream.


This is going to be crazy!  Ive been reading the forums over at redflagdeals regarding Wii availability and its going to be a zoo over at TRU tomorrow morning.  Limited stock of Elmo and Wii on the same morning when the store opens.

I do have a partner though, my brother is gonna wait with me.  We are going to swing by TRU later this evening (6ish) figure out what time they open, right now im thinking it might just be an all nighter.

I've never waited like this for anything (not even concert tickets) sort of exciting to participate in the hysteria.


Quote from: Shayne on December 15, 2006, 02:40:14 PM
This is going to be crazy!  Ive been reading the forums over at redflagdeals regarding Wii availability and its going to be a zoo over at TRU tomorrow morning.  Limited stock of Elmo and Wii on the same morning when the store opens.

I do have a partner though, my brother is gonna wait with me.  We are going to swing by TRU later this evening (6ish) figure out what time they open, right now im thinking it might just be an all nighter.

I've never waited like this for anything (not even concert tickets) sort of exciting to participate in the hysteria.

You might want to bring a tent, what with the freezing rain and snow.  Good luck.


I'm actually thinking I might not need to go.  Having chatted with a couple of Alyson's friends at Rogers they have in their system 6 coming, its just whenever they get here (tonight, tomorrow, Monday?)  I am really in no real rush to get one in all honesty and to spend 12 hours outdoors in the cold when I could simply walk into a Future Shop come January/February and pick one up seems rather counter productive.

Perhaps i got a little caught up in the hype of it all.  I dunno.  Im gonna ponder my choices over the next few hours and decide.


Quote from: Shayne on December 15, 2006, 04:13:28 PM
I'm actually thinking I might not need to go.  Having chatted with a couple of Alyson's friends at Rogers they have in their system 6 coming, its just whenever they get here (tonight, tomorrow, Monday?)  I am really in no real rush to get one in all honesty and to spend 12 hours outdoors in the cold when I could simply walk into a Future Shop come January/February and pick one up seems rather counter productive.

Perhaps i got a little caught up in the hype of it all.  I dunno.  Im gonna ponder my choices over the next few hours and decide.
If you were unable to get it from Rogers, a suggestion on was to order it online from Best Buy or Future Shop and specify in store pick up.  You could be waiting a while if a lot of people have already done this, since they'd be ahead of you for whatever stock the website gets.