First Android Phone Unveiled

Started by Mr. Analog, September 23, 2008, 01:30:14 PM

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Mr. Analog

By Grabthar's Hammer


- No exchange email support yet.
- Device built by HTC, my 6700 ended up sucking and they have been inconsistent

Mr. Analog

Well, consequently it's a lot cheaper than the even the cheapest iPhone (from what I gather).
By Grabthar's Hammer


$179 on contract vs $199 on contract.. Comes with 1 GB of storage expandable to 8GB instead of internal 8Gb, it does have a nice camera.

Mr. Analog

Wow, if you have the money the HTC Pro kicks the butt right now (features wise).

I think the seller for the Android will be whatever apps can be developed for it, even though it's fairly gimped at the moment (missing Bluetooth et al).
By Grabthar's Hammer


You will have to go purchase a lot more storage for the HTC pro if you want to use it as an MP3 player, the MINIMUM storage on the iPhone is 8GB.
WM does a lot, however I had nothing but problems with it, the apps were a mish-mash and I had to get 3rd parties to fill in the blanks which made for a VERY inconsistent experience.

I want my phone to work, I want my email/calendar, I want to surf and I want to listen to music. Other than the browser crashing the  iPod is still the best experience for getting all of these in one package.

I am surprised at the 6 HR battery life on the HTC pro.. I wonder if that holds up in the real world.

Darren Dirt

Quote from: Mr. Analog on September 23, 2008, 01:30:14 PM
I'm sure most of you have seen this already, but still... DO WANT:

T-Mobile G1 -- better than BlackBerry Storm AND Apple iPhone?

...almost (!)
Final scores: Apple iPhone 3G -- 6; T-Mobile G1 -- 5; BlackBerry Storm -- 3

...Granted, the iPhone 3G has been on the market now for three months and the T-Mobile G1 isn't expected to drop officially until Oct. 22. Currently, there is no set release date for the BlackBerry Storm. It's possible that once these devices enter the wild and get into users hands, the results could be different, but until they prove themselves, the Apple iPhone 3G is the true touch-screen titan.

Not the "winner", but still pretty impressive, especially considering the power of the Apple Marketing Machine :)

Strive for progress. Not perfection.

Darren Dirt

2.1 update coming...

I'm really wondering if I should get one of these as my next phone (it would upset my Apple-fanatic brother too, bonus! ;) ) Some pretty cool functionality that the iPhone might be lacking... and apparently less "restrictive" in some ways.

^ funny how 10 years ago you would expect those kind of URLs to be dedicated to either Star Wars fans, or robotics enthusiasts...

Strive for progress. Not perfection.


Telus has the new Android-powered Motorola Backflip:

Some nice images can be found on

The cool part about this phone is a full keyboard.  The uncool part is that they tried to make it look exactly like an iPhone.  The unknown part (to me) is what Android features have been locked by Telus - Apple's been able to tell companies they can't lock features, thanks to Apple's market share.
Prayin' for a 20!

gcc thorin.c -pedantic -o Thorin
compile successful


Quote from: Thorin on May 03, 2010, 10:30:28 AM
Telus has the new Android-powered Motorola Backflip:

Some nice images can be found on

The cool part about this phone is a full keyboard.  The uncool part is that they tried to make it look exactly like an iPhone.  The unknown part (to me) is what Android features have been locked by Telus - Apple's been able to tell companies they can't lock features, thanks to Apple's market share.

Not entirely true, Apple controls which features are locked or limited based on the providers demands.. IE Lower quality video when streaming, capped app size downloads when on 3G, no tethering on AT&T still, delayed SMS support on AT&T, no VoIP over 3G until OS 4.0....

Then again it is MUCH more consistent than Android or Windows Mobile.. I hear some of the Android phones have their market place app replaced or an extra one from the ISP.

Mr. Analog

Quote from: Lazybones on May 03, 2010, 10:37:02 AM
Then again it is MUCH more consistent than Android or Windows Mobile...
Well, that's one way of saying "walled garden" (I keed, I keed :P )

I was reading about a guy who bought one of those unlocked Motorola Milestones and just plopped his Rogers simcard. Is that even possible?
By Grabthar's Hammer


Quote from: Mr. Analog on May 03, 2010, 10:31:20 PM
Quote from: Lazybones on May 03, 2010, 10:37:02 AM
Then again it is MUCH more consistent than Android or Windows Mobile...
Well, that's one way of saying "walled garden" (I keed, I keed :P )

I was reading about a guy who bought one of those unlocked Motorola Milestones and just plopped his Rogers simcard. Is that even possible?

I haven't been keeping up on Android much as it still doesn't interest me much, but from what I understand the phones are sold locked and with software install limitations. You have to mod them to get unsigned app access and to unlock them.. not unlike the iPhone.. However since the OS is more open there are more mods for the OS.

There is a whole thread about users that went from iPhone to Android and Back.. The main issues being that the iPhone has a more consistent, smooth UI that does not slow down as well multi-tasking on android can kill the battery super quick.. later releases of android actually have a more restricted multi-tasking system that earlier ones.

Mr. Analog

I'd be much happier if I could just buy the handset and not have to get all of the locked in crap that Telus/Rogers/Apple/Etc put on there.
By Grabthar's Hammer